My Accomplishments Before Becoming a Motivational Speaker and Author

DLG Financial Group | Houston, Texas | 1996–Present

Management consulting firm providing services to a variety of industries. President & Chief Executive Officer: Provide management consulting services spanning strategy, real estate development projects, and financial advisory to multimillion-dollar business clients. Work closely with client stakeholders to devise business and operational plans to address complex business challenges. Oversee company mergers, divestitures, and lawsuit management for clients.

  • Won Top of the Table Award for ranking in the Top 1% of all Insurance and Financial Professionals globally.
  • Oversaw $12M hotel and restaurant development project for the facility with 85 rooms and a conference center, serving as a catalyst for the client to penetrate the hotel industry.
  • Managed all aspects of the project from the cradle to the grave, aligning key partners, including attorneys, and conducting feasibility studies to ensure the success of the project.
  • Enabled company to secure new investors for 2 new hotel projects.
  • Completed 362-acre development project, leading all aspects including raw land purchase and $50M commercial development project.
  • Client purchased acreage for $2.8M and secured sale for $10M earning 257% ROI.
  • Navigated client with $26M in assets that was severely impacted by Great Recession; facilitated turnaround of company and sold off assets for $10M to create capital for company.
  • Regularly approached by the Department of Justice to serve as subject matter expert regarding financial fraud; played key role in breaking up major mortgage fraud ring in Houston.
  • Significantly boosted efficiencies and productivity for clients through automation efforts; enabled multimillion-dollar trucking company to expand business footprint globally through system automation.

Advisors Financial Group | Houston, Texas | 2013–2015

International insurance firm providing financial advisory services to clients. Vice President: Retained to drive international market penetration; executed business planning and estate planning, life insurance sale, and foreign insurance solutions sales.

  • Secured multiple high-end clients for the firm.

Early Career: Held roles as Vice President and Director of Hispanic Business for First City Texas, a $14B financial institution. Created Hispanic business division from ground up and positioned the company as the premier bank for Hispanics in Texas, generating millions of dollars in revenue.